"All in One and One in All" is the fundamental truth upon which Religion, Spirituality and Science converge.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The reason why I am not enthusiastic about the self improvement techniques from some of the Western authors
Also, the real happiness lies in accepting things on hand, what is given to us and not in getting dissatisfied with them trying to change them because it is like waging a losing battle. The peculiar aspect of mind is that it either gets satisfied or it never gets satisfied at all. So if some one says that he would be happy the moment he gets a million, please bear in mind that he says it in ignorance. The moment he gets a million, his mind would prompt him to go for a billion. The fundamental aspects of life remain the same irrespective of whether one lives alone on his own luxurious island or with a group under a thatched roof. Any relentless pursuit of selfish material aspects will lead to strong dissatisfaction. The actual road to achievement begins from the moment we accept our life and be contended with what we have in terms of material possessions and start working on the path of self-realization, maximising the potential of mind and working on what it can achieve. Most of the great leaders and noble souls whom the world still remembers have lived a FULL life for others. Had they lived a life for themselves they would have been forgotten even by their own progenies. The real conquers in life are not in winning over people, money or material but winning one’s own EGO, PRIDE, ANGER, JEALOUSY and all those related qualities.
In an universe which is loosely hanging in space, in a solar system which is constantly rotating and revolving under a strange force amidst so many flying objects, on a planet’s surface which is surrounded mostly by water and finally on a land mass which is constantly under the threat of tremors, man’s life is completely shrouded with uncertainty. Is it not foolishness to think about permanence of life and to fight for whatever we can in the name of achievement? The attitude of man in facing his life should not be like “Let me enjoy the maximum I can because life is uncertain and short”. It should be like “Let me serve others to my level best possible”. Only when man overcomes his survival instincts and begins to act beyond its influence, he gets nearer to godliness and only that can be termed as the ultimate achievement.
The myth of positive thinking and discourse by western authors
What is being repeated in these books is how to respond to particular situations or incidents in life and not a holistic and comprehensive approach to life. It is like advising people to control anger without looking in to the background factors that lie behind “Anger”. When one tries to address the background factors like materialistic affinity, Ego, Selfishness to name a few, “Anger” will be phased out of life as a side effect. The emphasis should be to address the cause and not the effect. For example, Ego is the cause and Anger is the effect of being egoistic. Any suppression of a negative feeling in the name of adopting positive thinking will only lead to an eruption at a later point of time.
On the other day, I was almost moved to tears to see a poor old man in his seventies, carrying his handicapped grand daughter on his shoulder who was blind, deaf and was suffering from polio attack. I cannot even imagine talking about the western concept of positive thinking to that gentleman. I wondered if any of those authors or their books can create any positive thinking in that gentleman unless they were able to answer his most fundamental questions of life, as to why on earth he was suffering like that.
The question here is how we react to those situations where we feel injustice is being done to us, though to our conscience, we have not done any wrong and hence we don’t deserve it. Some events happen to us in our lives, the reasons for which are beyond our comprehension. The truth is that there is a meaning to our lives and suffering and this meaning will remain beyond our comprehension unless we make an attempt to know it. I am sure whatever logical thinking that has evolved in the western world until now is still lacking to understand this meaning. Even the top most scientists are still struggling to answer the question of “WHY” about life though they claim to have answered some of the “WHAT”s and “HOW”s. The eastern thought of soul being separate from the physical body and that a soul will be born again and again until its “karma” is relinquished is the best closest logic to understand this. It makes sense to account for the good and bad of our previous lives to understand today’s suffering. Otherwise everybody should be born equal in terms of all aspects. All our lives and karma are interlinked. The goal of this life should be to realize this and take measures to minimize or eradicate the bad karma. If we start pursuing the goal, we will not even think about positive thinking! Ofcourse “what is good and bad karma” is a separate topic and needs another article!
Man and Religion
Once Man settled down by means of agriculture and domestication, he could subdue most of the wild animals but not the natural forces. Hence natural forces continued to find a place in his concept of God. The intelligence in Man also grew in this period to a greater extent that he started questioning the supremacy of the natural forces and if there is further a superior force to reckon, which actually controlled everything. Though the most intelligent realized that God is formless and he is one (Monotheism), the ordinary could not conduct their day to day life without some form of God. Man found it difficult to worship God without a symbol and thus even the realized individuals themselves became objects of worship and thus subjects of conflicts. In all religions, it has been a practice to deify some people who lead exemplary lives showing a direction to the common man’s life and in whom the ordinary mortal found Godliness.
There are many religions that originated at different places and at different times but interestingly all the major religions of the world are monotheistic. Each religion started drawing a lineage of Saints, emanating from the God himself and culminating with a “Saint” whom they believed to be the last messiah of their faith. Most of the religions spread on the basis of violence, suppression and elimination of other faiths though a few others grew by tactically embracing smaller faiths along with their gods and demigods in to their fold. In this process they transformed to be polytheistic (though ideologically remaining monotheistic) and thus grew too comprehensive and complex to understand.
With the advent of modern Science, all the religions need a strong correction in terms of their beliefs and practices! While religion has to be considered as a means to realize God, the end, the irony is that man is more obsessed with the means, the differences and hence all the unrest. What Man has failed to understand is that while there have been numerous instances of demolition of places of worship, massacres in the name of religion and many other atrocities done by him in the name of religion, God never seems to have actually appeared and stopped him. Is it not weird? It is high time man starts re-thinking about his understanding on religion and God! We have enough things to worry about our survival and let us keep atleast Religion out of it!
Life is all about Problem Solving
It is a myth that problems can be solved completely because most of the problems are always recurring and only some instances are solved. Infact there are some problems that continue to exist as long as life does. Psychologists may wish to call problems as needs and wants and Spiritual thinkers may prefer to call needs and wants as problems!
The important question is how do we solve our problems and incase some problems are insolvable then how do we handle them. Incase we choose to solve a problem, how much of time and energy do we spend in order to solve it? Do we create more problems by solving one or do we actually avoid many impending ones by solving one. There are many guidelines to the problem of problem solving itself and there are three important ones that we should always bear in mind. The first among them is to ascertain if there is a real problem at all or is it only perceived. Most of our problems are in our minds and don’t exist really. The next one is identify where exactly the problem is. Have you read this joke in which a “Sardar”, without knowing that his thumb is injured, complains to a Doctor that his entire body is paining whenever he touches it with his thumb? Infact most of us are like him, in the sense, we don’t realize that we are the reason for our problems in most of the cases but we blame others and the environment for the same. And the next step is to find if the problem is affecting others as well. If so, it is better to join hands and solve it than struggling alone.
One of the main characteristics of a great Leader is his ability to solve problems of his group. History is replete with heroics of great people who even gave their lives in solving problems. Interestingly there are also examples of some self- proclaimed Leaders who have invented problems, justified their existence and wasted time, money and energy in solving them (only to complicate them further) just to keep up their leadership by creating fear psychosis in their subjects. One question that we should constantly ask ourselves is why do we always look outside to solve problems? Is it because of the classical conditioning or lack of correct understanding or the lack of courage to face it? Having said all this, Life is all about gearing ourselves always to solve problems or atleast reducing the number of instances if we don’t have control over their occurrence.
How much can you stretch physically?
There are so many of us who wish and dream a lot but somehow lack the will to take steps to make them a reality. How can we build this so called will? Well, there could be many ways of building one’s will like getting in to tough mental exercises, reading a lot of self help books and so on. But the point is that somewhere we have to get going. If you are not a sports person (and if you are not the initiated), then the real medicine is to have simple physical stretch goals and keep stretching the goal itself as and when you keep achieving it. The goal can be anything from touching your toes without bending your knees to running a mile or jogging. Jogging can be really a demanding activity and one really needs to jog in order to better understand its benefits with respect to building or enhancing one’s will. (Better check your fitness before hopping on to such activities). When one pursues such a goal daily, it brings in not only a sense of accomplishment which is more tangible, but also a lot of motivation. This kind of physical stretching equips one with the tenacity to stretch mentally and walk the extra mile, be it at home or work. And the spin off is good digestive system and doing away with bottles of “Digene” or “Himcocid”. When such a physical activity is being taken up as a family, it only serves multiple purposes. Infact, many of the Top management executives pursue some form of physical activity (ranging from running to playing tennis) to improve their perseverance and may be this quality of stretching is what keeps them on the top.
The topic assumes much importance in today’s context. The change in lifestyle (& job style) has rendered us unfit not only to run a mile but even to climb a flight of stairs. A typical morning queue before the elevator at office is a real testimony to this. Even at a relatively young age, many of us are bestowed with symbols of prosperity (big bellies to name one), an add-on benefit of fat pay packets. A quick glance (without venturing in to statistics) at today’s workforce would reveal how the “resources” (or the workforce) are grossly out of shape and lacking physical vigour. To put it simply, most of us cannot stretch! Added to this, the height of comfort that we have at home (from coffee maker, water heaters to automated shoe polishers), one hardly needs to move a hand or shake a leg before landing directly on the revolving chair at one’s desk. Even mild form of routine physical activities can ward us off from fatigue and boredom, helping us to gain the much needed spirit. Playing games in the weekend (like Shuttle cork) can be a very good energising activity to recharge our battery and it incorporates the winning spirit which is very much needed in today’s rat race. It adds to the glow in the face as well.
I remember a short story that I read when I was in the School Primary. A rich man, suffering from digestive disorder, visits a doctor on his horse cart. The Doctor, a shrewd man, examines him but insists that he will disclose the medicine only to the cart man. The rich man, surprised, returns to his cart but the cart starts off without him and he ends up reaching home running behind it. The story goes on that after reaching home so tired, he has a sumptuous meal, thus realising the importance of physical activity. A Sound mind dwells in a sound body and there can be no two different views about it. So, the question is “How much can you stretch physically?”.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
உறுதி கொடு
சற்றும் மனம் தளராமல்
பூத்துக்காய்த்துக்கொண்டே இருக்கும்
செடியை போல
கிளை வேரை வெட்ட வெட்ட
சற்றும் துயர் அடையாமல்
வளர்ந்து கொண்டே இருக்கும்
மரத்தை போல
ஆதாரத்தை மாற்ற மார்ர்ர்ர்
சற்றும் சலிப்பு அடையாமல்
கிடைத்ததைப்பற்றி முன்னேறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கும்
கொடியை போல
எதை இழந்தாலும்
எது நடந்தாலும்
எது மாறினாலும்
முன்னேற மட்டுமே சிந்திக்க செயலாற்ற
உறுதி கொடு
இறுதி வரை உறுதி கொடு!
விதைத்ததெல்லாம் முளைப்பதில்லை
முளைத்ததெல்லாம் வளர்வதில்லை
வளர்ந்ததெல்லாம் பூப்பதில்லை
பூத்ததெல்லாம் காய்ப்பதில்லை
காய்த்ததெல்லாம் பழுப்பதில்லை
பழுத்ததெல்லாம் பிழைப்பதில்லை
பிழைத்ததெல்லாம் விதையாவதில்லை
விதைத்ததெல்லாம் முளைப்பதில்லை
வாழ்க்கை என்னும் நாடகத்தில்
அடுத்த கட்டம் யாரிடத்தில்?
என்ன நடக்கும் எது நடக்கும் என்று
தவறவிட்டார் பொன்னான நாள் இன்று
வருந்துபவர் உணருவதில்லை
உணர்ந்தவர் வருந்துவதில்லை
இறை எதுவாயினும் சேர்மின்!
நிறையான வாழ்க்கை கொண்மின்!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
பெண் சிசு வதை
மண் ஒரு துணை
மனித இனம் பெருக
பெண் உறுதுணை
பெண் சிசு வதை
மனிதன் தனக்கிடும் சிதை
அர்த்தமின்றி பெருகும்
உயிர்க்கொல்லி நோய்
சத்தமின்றி கருகும்
இளம் பயிர் பல சேய்!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
உண்மையில் மிகப்பெரிய பாரம்
உடல் இன்றி உயிர் என்ன செய்யும்?
யாரும் அறியார்
உயிர் இன்றி உடல் என்ன ஆகும்?
யாவரும் அறிவார்
உடலின் பெரும் பாகம் அறிவோம்
உயிரின் ஒரு பாகம் கூட அறியோம்
உடலை இய்க்கும் உயிர்
உயிரை இயக்குவது கர்ம விதியோ?
இல்லை இறைவனோ?
இல்லை அவனின் பிரதிநிதியோ?
எப்பொழுது உடலைப்புகும்
எப்பொழுது உடலைவிடும்
தற்பொழுது அறியான் மனிதன்
முப்பொழுதும் அறிவான் புனிதன்
உலகம் ஒரு நாடக மேடை
உலகம் ஒரு நாடக மேடை
உணர்ந்தவர் நிச்சயம் ஒரு மேதை
உள்ளளவும் ஐயம் இல்லை
உண்மையே அன்றி வேறு இலலை
தன்னில் தன்னை உணர்ந்த முதல்
தன்னை முற்றும் உணரும் வரை
ஒவ்வொருவனும் நடிக்கிறான்
உண்மை உருவை மறைக்கிறான்
எதை எதுவிடமிருந்து காப்பாற்ற
உலகிற்கு எதை பறைசாற்ற
மனிதன் நடிக்க முயல்கிறான்
முடிவில் மீண்டும் மீண்டும் உழல்கிறான்
என்ன இழக்கக்கூடாதென்றும்
எதைப் பெறுவதற்காக வென்றும்
மனிதன் சாயம் பூச நினைக்கிறான்
முடிவில் சாயம் பூசப்பட்டு தவிக்கிறான்
மண்ணில் விழுந்தவுடன் அழுகை
பரிதாபம் பெறுவதற்கான செய்கை?
உண்ணுவதும் உறங்குவதும் சில காலம்
இன்னொரு முறை ஏமாறும் ஞாலம்?
முதலில் பெற்றோரிடம் பயிற்சி
பிறகு மற்றோரிடம் முயற்சி
சந்தர்ப்பங்கள் கொஞ்ச நஞ்சம் இல்லை
வெட்கம் கூச்சம் கொஞ்சமும் இல்லை
கண்டதை காணாதது போலும்
கேளாததை கேட்டது போலும்
உணராததை உணர்ந்தது போன்று
அறியாததை அறிந்தது போன்று
நடிப்பதில் தன்னையே மறக்கிறான்
உண்மை வெளிவராதென்று மகிழ்கிறான்
உண்மையில் ஒருவன் கணக்கு எடுக்கிறான்
கணக்கிற்கு ஏற்ற படி மறுபிறவி கொடுக்கிறான்!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
எது சைவம் எது அசைவம்?
எக்காரணம் கொண்டும் உண்ணவில்லை அசைவம்
பள்ளியில் கற்றிருக்கிறேன்
பெற்றோர் சொல்ல கேட்டிருக்கிறேன்
அசைவம் உண்பது ஆகாது
மற்றொரு உயிரை துன்புறுத்தல் கூடாது
காய் கனிகள்
மற்றும் கீரை வகைகள்
அரிசி பருப்பு கோதுமை
பால் தயிர் வெண்ணை நெய்
இவையே பிரதான உணவு
உயிர் வதை இல்லை - மன நிறைவு
மண்ணை உழும் ஏர்
மடியும் உயிர் பல நூறு
நட்ட நாற்று நன்றாக வளர
சாகுபடி மேலும் வளர
மூட்டை மூட்டையாய் எரு
போயிற்று பல உயிர் தெரியாமல் உரு
பயிர் வளம் உயர
களை பல மடிய
ஒவ்வொரு தானியமும்
காயும் கனியும்
உண்ண உணவும் ஆகிறது
பயிரிட்டால் விளைச்சலையும் பெருக்குகிறது
பிராணிகளுக்கென்று ஒரு சட்டமா?
தாவரங்களெல்லாம் என்ன மட்டமா?
குழம்பியது என் மனம்
எது சைவம் எது அசைவம்?
சுவாசிக்கும் காற்று வேறு இல்லை
எண்ணம் செயலில் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
பிறப்பில் இறப்பில் மாற்றம் இல்லை
மனம் போகும் போக்கில் பேடகம் இல்லை
உண்ணும் உணவில் வேற்றுமை உண்டு
புறத்தில் நிறத்தில் வித்தியாசம் உண்டு
மொழியில் பேச்சில் பிரிவு உண்டு
மதத்தில் இறை நம்பிக்கையில் வேடகம் உண்டு
இறைவன் மனிதனாய் உருவெடுத்தான்
அன்பும் அறமும் போதித்தான்
போதனையின் சாரம் அதை மறந்த மனிதன்
அவ்வுருவை தெய்வமாக்கினான்
மதங்கொண்டு மதம் படைத்தான்
அவ்வேற்றுமையால் பல போர் வளர்த்தான்
குணம் கெட்டு மதியும் இழந்தான்
இறைக்கு தன்னையே இரை ஆக்கினான்
இறைவன் எங்கும் எதிலும் உளன் , சொன்னவர் பலர்
உன்னிலும் உள்ளான் அவன், இதை நீ உணர்
எல்லா உயிரிலும் அன்பு செலுத்து
இறையை சேர்வது உன் தலை எழுத்து
எண்ண அலைவரிசை
பூங்காவில் நான்
கரம், வானொலிப்பெட்டியுடன்
சிரம், வானத்தை நோக்கி
சிந்தனை உலகச் செய்திகளுடன்
எனை மறந்து நடந்தேன்....
ஒரு புறம்
யுத்தத்தின் மேல் உள்ள பித்தத்தால்,
தற்கொலைப் படைகளின் தாக்குதலால்
மனிதத்தை அழிக்கிறானே என்றும்
எரிமலை வெடிப்பினால்
பூமியை சீன்றும் இயற்கை
மனிதனின் ஆதிக்கத்தை
சோதிக்கின்றதே என்றும்
வருத்தம் சித்தத்தை தாக்க
சற்றே நடந்த பாதையை நோக்கினேன்
தாங்கள் அழிக்கப்பட்டதை
வேரோடு பிடுங்கப்பட்டதை
தெரிவிக்க இயலாமல்
உள்ளே அழுது
வெளியே வாடிக்கொண்டு
மடிந்து கொண்டிருந்த
பூச்சிகள் மற்றும்
பல சின்னஞ்சிறு உயிர்கள்
ஒரு நொடி
மனது வருத்தம் கொள்ள
மறு நொடி
அதனால் என்ன?
நமக்காக தானே இவைகள்
என அறிவு எடுத்துச்சொல்ல
வானொலியை மற்றொரு அலைவரிசைக்கு
வீட்டை நோக்கி நடந்தபடி!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
(Ab)use of resources
The disease of “Hypocrisy”
The Art of Giving
God or Chance?
Oh God! Please reboot the Earth!
What are strengths and weaknesses?
Pair of Opposites
For survival purposes we have been bestowed with all necessary qualities and we must consciously manage them to lead a good life. All the qualities are present in varying proportions and it is up to us to realize how much we possess. Like the Universe which is filled with matter and antimatter, these qualities always exist in opposite pairs in us, for example Anger & Composure, Intelligence & Stupidity and so on. That is why we find the same person behaving differently in different situations. That means a quality becomes a strength or a weakness based on a situation and hence, no quality can be assessed in absoluteness. “Time” was long believed to be absolute until Einstein proved it to be relative. Likewise, Strength and Weakness are also relative. For example, though being small in size, a grass survives a cyclone whereas a tree which is much bigger gets easily uprooted. Hence, “being big” is not always a strength and “being small”, not always a weakness.
Right Qualities for the Right Role
Whenever we do not possess a quality, it only means that we possess the opposite quality in excess. The pair of opposite qualities is always complementary and hence many times we need to suppress a quality to give way to its opposite pair to better manage personal and official life. For example, let us say, “Getting in to the details” is a quality. An Analyst must possess more of this quality than a Manager for effective functioning. A Manager on the other hand must look more in to the broader picture than going in to the details to better manage. Hence it is the role that determines which quality is to be possessed and at what level. It is certainly not a weakness of the Manager if he does not go in to the details as he is not expected to.
What should we do?
We must choose a career that best suits our qualities to really excel in it. It is imperative that we spend some time pondering over our inner self and list all the qualities that we think we possess. The feedback received from others should also be considered in this exercise. Depending on the role that we play (in family, workplace, society etc.), we must analyze the qualities and decide which one to improve and which one to keep under control. It is quite easy for strengths to deteriorate into weaknesses but it really requires a lot of discipline, hard work and endurance to transform weaknesses into strengths. Success cannot delude us once we know what to achieve and where we are with respect to the desired set of qualities and when we earnestly carry on with the steps to fill the gaps. In this fast changing world we need to constantly improve upon our strengths without giving room for complacence. As long as we realize that we do not possess the desired level of some qualities and take adequate measures to improve upon, we need not be repentant, as we are already on the road to success.
What should we not do?
A skill acquired by a person over a period of time translates to “strength”, but only if the person continues to get a platform to exhibit the skill will it make sense to possess it. So it is foolishness to brag on one’s strengths at any point of time, as life keeps throwing tricky situations every now and then, which may call for a new quality altogether or an improved version of an existing quality. Sometimes excessive possession of a quality does not prove to be beneficial and that is why we find many over-confident and brilliant people losing out. Their assumptions and preconceived notions take them nowhere. We should not compare ourselves with others and worry about others’ strengths because we all have different goals to achieve and after all success and happiness are defined by us.
A short story………
In a story popularized by Sri Ramakrishna, a learned scholar shows his pride and strength of being “a learned man” to a boatman, on a ride across the river. The boat man realizes his weakness for being illiterate and feels sorry for it. Soon after, there is a disturbance in the river leading to the capsizing of the boat. The boatman’s swimming skills help him to swim across to safety, whereas the learned man drowns as he could not swim.
The Land of the Netherlands
water hardly below the lands,
A land, by virtue of strong dikes,
and almost inundated with bikes,
Stripes of water amidst the land,
Indeed land and water hand in hand
It is banal to talk about its canals,
for they are deep in its annals
Numerous old big windmills,
making up the absence of hills?
Strikingly beautiful Tulips,
The fields filled with too many colourful lips!
Here, it constantly rains,
occasionally the sun shines
Attractive are its parks and museums,
on which one can pen symposiums
Its capital, Amsterdam, symbolizes prosperity,
not to miss, also its notoriety
Its people known as the Dutch
so is the language, the Dutch
Biking hard, the Dutch grow tall,
from high standards they hardly fall
They may starve without bread and cheese,
they holiday in the mountains on skis
How they speak is strange,
conversation filled with rage,
To anything there must be consensus,
Their discussions, blunt and lacking pretenses
Holland covers a small part of the world,
But their airlines, KLM, covers the rest of the world!
Human Life and River Water
Both have an odyssey to cover
Emanating from a womb,
culminating in a tomb
nothing they own
yet claiming all that is sown
lot of momentum initially
toned down gradually
early days, boisterous
later days, treacherous
when the path is rough
life is always tough,
a number of lives met
with some, relation set
more in the downstream
less in the upstream
but no one till the end
each one till some bend
To everything there is a bind
and nothing out of the mind
The entire journey, a sojourn
and dying...only to be reborn?
'நான்' எங்கே?
உரு கொடுத்து
சீராட்டிய தாய்
உயிர் கொடுத்து
ஆசானாய் இருந்து
வழி நடத்தி
சபை நிறுத்திய தந்தை
பிழை பொறுத்து
அறிவு கொடுத்து
பண்பு வளர்த்து
உதாரணம் காட்டிய ஆசான்
இடம் கொடுத்து
இல் அமைத்து
பேரு வழங்கி
ஆசி அருளிய இறை
இம்மூன்று குயவரும்
அவரைப் படைத்த தூயவரும்
உருவாக்கிய பொம்மை இங்கே
தேடியது அந்த 'நான்' எங்கே?
எது உயர்ந்த தவம்?
சம்மணம் இட்டு அமர்ந்து
கண்கள் மூடி
முடி வளர்த்து
ஊனை வருத்தி
கிடப்பது மட்டுமல்ல
எடுத்த காரியம் எதுவாயினும்
அது முழுதும் நிறைவேற
சித்தம் சிறிதும் விலகாமல்
பசி தாகம் மறந்து
கடமையே கண்ணாக
தவம் தான்
தன்னலம் பாராமல்
பிறர் நலம் பேணி
நன்மையே எண்ணி
செய்யும் ஒவ்வொரு செயலும்
சிறந்த தவம்
இவ்வகையில் தாய்மையே
ஒப்பற்ற தவம்!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Oh my mother!
This is your toddler
Re-searching motherhood
After venturing in to parenthood!
To me,
You are an embodiment of all, God inclusive
Your life full of sacrifice
Yet standing tall as an edifice
Like a tree, I stand proud of myself
Forgetting my roots, deep in yourself
For you nourished,
Else might have perished
It was my foolishness
Wasted two good years to study business
Missing a management guru
That is you
Ironically, loved you more after getting married
When your daughter-in-law carried
An Offspring
Of your own fledgling
Oh! How difficult is parenting
A task definitely demanding
I am referring to your grand daughter
I know, in your mind there is laughter
So gentle you have been to me all these years
Though I have, many times put you in to tears
Now, I realise your value, my mother
The pleasure of being onshore, I don’t bother
It is told that life is brief
But without you it is full of grief
I have two kids to rear
You are the second one dear!
Sreeram Jaganathan
How to be better off with our better halves?
“The Honey moon period is illusory unless….”
The primary aim of each of the Partners, in the honey moon period is to win the love, trust, and attention of the other or in other words, to impress each other. So there is mostly harmony and agreement as the period is completely shrouded with false feelings and reactions. The end of the honey moon period usually brings out the real characters and harsh realities in the relationship, leading to disagreements and an unpleasant life. The honey moon period must include some sensible engagements, (in addition to sensual) like understanding each other’s aim in life, how can one support the other and so on.
“I expect this from you”
What happens when someone fails to meet the expectations of his or her partner? It leads to discontent in the relationship. How many of us honestly question ourselves if we fulfilled our partner’s expectations? Is it not a right of our partner to expect something from us? Is it not our duty to meet our Partner’s expectations? It is good to talk about this to our partner and figure out what exactly is the problem and more importantly we should constantly question ourselves if our expectations are fair. “Pure Love” and not “Expectations” must be a basis for building relationships.
“You listen to me first”
“The Ego is our greatest enemy” and it plays a crucial role in the way we connect ourselves with the external world. A Person with an “I-Know-everything” kind of attitude will find it tough to listen to any advice from anybody, leave alone his or her partner. It is more important to know what is being said rather than who said that. Healthy discussions leading to frank and fair exchange of opinions must form part of day to day life. An Egoistic person suffers from a partial deafness and it prevents him or her from accepting that which affects the ego. “It is your job” Working Indian women bear the brunt of handling pressure from both family and personal lives. One of my former women colleagues used to wake up early in the morning everyday to attend to all the domestic chores besides taking care of her. She would not get much help from her husband and would invariably end up coming late to office. It is imperative that both the partners participate and share responsibilities life’s daily domestic compulsions rather than ending up directing each other. In today’s world, no job at home can be earmarked for any gender, especially when both the partners are working.
“My goals are important”
It is important that the partners acknowledge and support each other’s goals in life. It is still a failure if only one of the partners succeeds in their goals. When Partners are in the same field of interest, it is quite easy to have supplementary goals. Sharing of motivational thoughts and quotes can be a small but significant step in helping each other. After all a person succeeds not because of his efforts alone but also because of the adjustments, sharing and caring of his partner. The moral support and motivation coming from a loved one carries multifold value and makes a lot of difference.
“I have a problem with you”
Unless we admit that we are part of the problem, we can never solve it amicably. This is truer when it comes to problems with relationships. If one of the partners feels that he or she has problems with the other then he or she should spend time to understand if the other partner person has any problem in turn. All problems can be solved by plain and frank talking. The couple must spend some time out together to thrash out any real and ‘seeming to be real’ issues. Likewise, feedback can be sought on a periodical basis until a thorough understanding emerges in a relationship. Most of the time, problems are initially small but they snowball in to a huge mess when not weeded out at an earlier stage.
“Complement and Compliment”
Life is an excellent journey for the couple who complement each other. We need to take our partner along with us in the journey by playing a complementary role in the relationship. Working couple can plan their days off in such a way that all the important personal work can be shared efficiently. Complimenting is a simple gesture but it goes way beyond in lifting the morale of a person. A gentle appreciation for the food prepared brings in more happiness in the family. It should be cultivated as a habit to appreciate and compliment one’s partner, ofcourse it must be from the heart and must be genuine as well.
“Accepting them as they are”
After committing in to a relationship, if a doubt arises in our minds whether we had made the right choice or not, we should drive away the doubt with more conviction in the Partner because for every beautiful or talented person (outside the relationship) that we come across there is yet another person who is even more beautiful or talented. It is good to focus on the person that we have chosen and avoid comparing with others. We should treat him or her as God’s gift and engage positively with him or her (As you sow so you reap).
Sreeram Jaganathan