Sunday, October 15, 2017

நீரும் நானும்

A poetic mind (or an artistic mind in general) sees the 'extraordinary' in the ordinary and of course the 'ordinary' in the extra-ordinary!

Please do not think this is bragging. It is an observation born out of some thinking - an impersonal thinking! 😊

நீரும் நானும் தலைக்கு ஏறினால் தலைவலி தான்!

Neer means water and Naan means Ahamkara - when these both reach the head, cause a headache invariably!

what is freedom?

A thought for the day:

To many, freedom lies in dressing their body the way they want, but to a few, it lies in being free from it, their address!

According to Sastra, body is an address or residence for the atma, which confines, identifies and limits it! 😄

To be free from body and not dress! Let it not be mistaken! 😉😢

An improved version:

To many, freedom lies in choosing a dress, but to a few, it lies in being free from the body itself, their address! 😀

karuvarai to kallarai

கருவறை நினைவில் இல்லை
கல்லறை நினைப்பே இல்லை
சில்லறை நினையாமல் இல்லை

உள் உறை பிணைப்பு அறவே இல்லை! 😊
A quip: difference between arranged marriage and love marriage -
Problem chooses us in the former, we (are free to) choose it in the latter 😄 We are pushed in to problem in the former, we are pulled (attracted) by it in the latter! 😉

Monday, October 2, 2017

Problem due to 'change' or not?

Conductor and passenger fight for 'change' (one rupee),
To diffuse the tension I extend the 'change',
Neither of them accepts the 'change' (in situation),
and continue to fight unwilling to 'change' (their stance),
Thinking the world cannot be changed,

I arise to(ex)change my seat with someone! 

வாழ்வில் எனக்கு மட்டுமா சோதனை?

ஒரு சமயம்,
பேருந்து பயணத்தில்,
சிந்தித்தேன் சற்றே,
வாழ்க்கைப் பயணத்தில்,
எனக்கு மட்டும்,
ஏன் இந்த சோதனை?
பலகையை நோக்கினேன்,
'பயணச்சீட்டு (கூட)
பரி'சோதனைக்கு' உரியது' :-)